Sunday, February 24, 2013

SustainaScapes Introduces Urban Farming

Urban Farming
After years of watching food trends, horror stories, its impact on the environment and our need to grow our own; I have decided to try my hand at bringing urban farming to the public. We can all benefit greatly from this practice and, in many ways, take personal responsibility for our corner of the world. All it takes is one simple step: deciding that your food safety and future lies in your hands.
The benefits of Urban Farming are endless. One of the most important benefits is that you will provide a productive plot of land that currently provides little to no benefit. This method of farming improves the urban environment by providing healthy soil, which acts as a filtration system for storm run-off; encourages biodiversity, which aids in keeping pests populations low by attracting beneficial bugs and animals to the ecosystem; and creates a habitat for beneficial wildlife which also aids in keeping pests population low.
In the age of mass recalls of seemingly “safe” food, it is more important than ever for each of us to know where our food comes from, how it’s been grown and how it’s been processed. For urban farmers this knowledge is first hand and bares little to no risk.
If this path to independence and food freedom interest you then the decision to be an Urban Farmer is quite simple. Let SustainaScapes aid you in your journey.

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